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Tuesday 29 November 2011


my College RuLe...!! 
1. Breakfast..!!
2. Never Give Up..!
3. Respect people around me.(especially my Lecturer)
4. Don't waste money,,! Food,,! n Time..!
5.EaSy gOiNg...!!
8. Hard -working..but take time for a nap..huhu....

Thursday 4 August 2011

Perfect Two - Auburn [Lyrics on screen and in description]

I NeVeR bUt eVeR fOrGeT...

1. My Blog password....
2. My Facebook password
3. How many comic in my "mineral water""500ml x 24" box (my parents never know)...huhuhu..
4. Date when the first time i enter my college door..
5. My birthday is coming soon..........(~_~)

BTW..Tnx to my Family,Friends,Lecturer and My lovely Housemates
I Will Always Remember You All Where Ever I go..~~~